PVI Gathering 2022 All bundles Included
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Get access to 16 prerecorded videos and exclusive resources for just $349 at the PVI Gathering . Learn from leading professionals in Polyvagal Theory and interventions from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive content for 6 months.
PVI Gathering 2022 Therapeutic Approaches
CourseGet access to 5 prerecorded videos from the PVI Gathering. Learn from leading professionals in Polyvagal Theory and interventions from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive content for 6 months.
PVI Gathering 2022, Children and Caregiving
CourseGet access to 4 prerecorded videos from the PVI Gathering. Learn from leading professionals in Polyvagal Theory and interventions from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive content for 6 months.
PVI Gathering 2022, Social Justice
CourseGet access to 3 prerecorded videos from the PVI Gathering. Learn from leading professionals in Polyvagal Theory and interventions from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive content for 6 months.
PVI Gathering 2022, Mental & Physical Wellbeing
CourseGet access to 4 prerecorded videos from the PVI Gathering. Learn from leading professionals in Polyvagal Theory and interventions from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive content for 6 months.