PVI Gathering 2022, Mental & Physical Wellbeing
Get access to 4 prerecorded videos from the PVI Gathering. Learn from leading professionals in Polyvagal Theory and interventions from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive content for 6 months.
Welcome & Opening Keynote by Dr. Stephen Porges - Stephen Porges, Ph.D
Count Back From 100: The Polyvagal Path to Awakening, Heather Abernethy, PhD
A Polyvagal Approach to Optimize Resilience & Performance, Michael Allison, Performance Coach
The Play Zone Handout
Safety First! Brain Body Connection for Birth and Beyond Oxytocin and the Biology of Safety, Chantal Traub, Birth Doula & Sue Carter, Ph.D
Safety First! Love and Oxytocin Handout
Safety First! The Biology of Love ebook
Safety First! Empowered Pushing
Safety First! Handout