PVI Gathering 2022, Children and Caregiving
Get access to 4 prerecorded videos from the PVI Gathering. Learn from leading professionals in Polyvagal Theory and interventions from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive content for 6 months.
Convergence and Synergy: PVT and Sensory Integrative Processing Theory & Treatment,Tracy Stackhouse, MA, OTR
Convergence and Synergy Handout
Guiding Caregivers and Children to Enter and Stay in the Safe State with Theraplay® Sandra Lindaman, MA, MSW, LISW
Lindaman, S.- Guiding Caregivers and Children
Become a Trusted Companion to Enhance Safety: Build Polyvagal-Informed Families, Teams & Organizations,Marilyn Sanders, MD George Thompson, MD
Bonus- Affinity Group Panel with Moderators Sandra Lindaman, MA, MSW, LISW, Tracy Stackhouse, MA, OTR, Stephen Porges, Ph.D