PVI Gathering 2022 Therapeutic Approaches
Get access to 5 prerecorded videos from the PVI Gathering. Learn from leading professionals in Polyvagal Theory and interventions from the comfort of your home. Enjoy exclusive content for 6 months.
Polyvagal Theory- Clinical Practice through SOMA-Embodiment Sonia Gomes, Ph.D
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: a Polyvagal-Informed Treatment Approach,Janina Fisher, Ph.D
Healing the Fragmented Selves Handout
Nervous System Regulation and The Conscious Evolution of the Human Spirit Kim Barthel, OTR
The Craft of Co-Regulation: A Demonstration, Deb Dana, LCSW
Bonus: Affinity Group Discussion Polyvagal Theory & The Body Facilitated by Arielle Schwartz, Ph.D. Jan Winhall, MSW, RSW, FOT