Revolutionizing Trauma and Addiction Treatment with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model ™
CourseThe Felt Sense Polyvagal Model shifts the paradigm from a pathologizing one to a strength based one. Taught as an on-demand instruction combined with interviews with Dr. Stephen Porges.
The Art and Science of Polyvagal Theory
Course4.7 average rating (3 reviews)For the first time ever, we join Dr. Stephen Porges and Deb Dana, LCSW in a unique exploration of the scientific foundations of Polyvagal Theory alongside a nuanced and in-depth discussion of its clinical application.
Polyvagal Theory for Somatic Experiencing Practitioners
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)The Polyvagal Theory for Somatic Experiencing (SE) Practitioners is specifically designed to introduce key polyvagal theories and practices to Somatic Experiencing Practitioners and students who have completed their first year of SE training.
The Play Zone: A Neurophysiological Approach to Our Highest Performance
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)The Play Zone: A Neurophysiological Approach to Our Highest Performance The Play Zone is a paradigm shift in performance psychology that masters the mental game of performance through the body.
Polyvagal Theory: Principles and Practice for Individuals
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)This introductory webinar is for individuals who wish to explore the basics of Polyvagal Theory in a fully on demand course.
Overview of Polyvagal Theory for the Newly Acquainted with Stephen Porges and Deb Dana
Course4.8 average rating (4 reviews)If you’re new to Polyvagal Theory and want to get a better understand of it in a way that is time-efficient and reliable, this is a good place to start. You’ll be learning from the experts who know it your own pace in your own place.