Polyvagal-Informed Pediatric Chiropractic: Enhancing your Pediatric Practice with Brain-Based Empowerment Tools
CourseWhether it is in the intake, the evaluation, or the actual care rendered, the practitioner can use Polyvagal-enhanced techniques to improve patient rapport building and connection.
Dogs Connect - Connection, Regulation and Empathy
CourseThis fully on-demand course will explore how an authentic connection with a school well-being dog can improve the teaching and learning experience by impacting the neural state. Led by trainers Grant Shannon and Amanda Leonard of Dogs Connect.
Pre and Post-Birth Trauma for Adoptive Parents
CourseThis is an on-demand course that provides foundational information on pre-birth trauma, including epigenetics, as well as information on the sensitive period of attachment post-birth.
Polyvagal Theory and ACT
Course4.8 average rating (5 reviews)For the first time, Dr. Stephen Porges, developer of Polyvagal Theory (PVT), and Dr. Steven C. Hayes, co-founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) sit down for a live online dialogue.
Polyvagal Theory in Architecture
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This one and a half hour course is part lecture, part conversation but wholly relevant to everyone spending time in buildings. Led by architect Ann Sussman and Dr. Stephen Porges, this will transform the way you see the world.
Replacing Stockholm Syndrome with a New Framework of Appeasement
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)The Stockholm Syndrome is an antiquated media driven term used to explain why people do not leave hostage situations. Dr. Porges, Dr. Bailey and Jaycee Dugard, who was kidnapped in 1991 and held captive until 2009, offer an alternative perspective.