Pre-order available now!
Aligning Our Voice with Our Intentions: A Polyvagal Course for Communication
CourseThis practical course offers an in-depth exploration of our voices and it’s relationship to our physiological state and intentions. Rooted in the principles of Polyvagal Theory, it reveals how our voice can be a powerful tool for creating connection.
Pre-order available now!
Polyvagal-Informed EMDR Certification Program
CourseThe PV-EMDR Certification Program is designed to teach clinicians the core concepts of this integrated model within a supportive and collaborative learning community through live lectures, bonus Q&A sessions, and interactive learning pods.
Pre-order available now!
The Brain & Gut Axis: A Polyvagal Approach To Health Through NeuroIntegrative Medicine
CourseThis course explores a polyvagal-informed approach to neurointegrative medicine, emphasizing how we process everything we are "digesting" in the world with less reactivity, by understanding what our Brain-Gut Axis is communicating to and through us.
Play Zone Pro: A Polyvagal-Informed Certificate for Wellness & Performance Coaches - Cohort 11
BundlePlay Zone Pro: A Polyvagal-Informed Certificate for Wellness & Performance Coaches Cohort 11: Regain control of our physiology to optimize the human experience and lead our clients to do the same. 18 CEs
Pre-order available now!
Embodying Safety: A Certificate for Integrating Yoga, Qigong & Polyvagal Theory 04
CourseThis course offers experiential instruction in integrating Yoga, Qigong and Polyvagal Theory to support healing, achieve your highest human potential and bring forth personal, professional and community transformation.
A One-Day Summit for Educators: Body and Brain Brilliance
CourseJoin us for a transformative workshop dedicated to fostering a culture of nervous system awareness in schools, focusing on the underlying factors that influence behaviors and discipline.