Learn with BG Mancini

This course explores a polyvagal-informed approach to neurointegrative medicine, emphasizing how we process everything we are "digesting" in the world with less reactivity, by understanding what our Brain-Gut Axis is communicating to and through us.

AP, LAc, FMP BG Mancini

BG Mancini, is a Neurodevelopmental Specialist, Advanced Certified in Functional Medicine, and an AP/PCP (Or write out Acupuncture Physician/Prinary Care Provider). She is the founder of www.braingutinstitute.com and creator of The Family Nervous System®. With 27 years of practice, she works with both children and adults to reach their potential through biomedical, nervous system & neurosequential practices. She has lectured internationally on PVT and functional medicine and simplifies the following principle: through the integration of many disciplines we can more easily find safety and comfort in our brains and bodies, and help clients to do the same. She teaches about the Brain & Gut axis in a compassionate and usable way, as if it’s the manual we all should have gotten at birth. Her courses always provide tangible, take away tools to start improving our quality of life, today! By understanding our own cues we can more deeply connect to ourselves, our loved ones and the world around us.

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